Domain Whois Search Tool: Find Out the Owner and Host of Your Domain

A domain name is your virtual address on the internet. If you have a business, blog, or website—and you want people to be able to find it—you need to get a domain name so others can find it. The best way to do this is by registering a domain and connecting that domain with an online presence, like a website. There are many different types of domains available for registration. Every domain has its own unique set of rules and regulations regarding who can register it and what they can use it for. This article explains the different domain names you might be interested in registering, which one is right for you, where to register one, and how much they cost.

For a Whois search just enter the domain name and click on whois.

As for Mobilehost offering domains for sale, it is unclear when will happen. Mobilehost is a web hosting and web designing company which also provides services such as web marketing, website maintenance, site management. It is always best to check with the company directly or on Mobilehost website or look out for announcements.


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Domain Name Server (DNS)

The Domain Name System (DNS Lookup) deciphers Internet area and host names to IP locations and the other way around.
On the Internet, DNS naturally changes over between the names we write in our Web program deliver bar to the IP locations of Web servers facilitating those locales.
Bigger enterprises additionally utilize DNS to deal with their own organization intranet. Home systems utilize DNS while getting to the Internet yet don’t utilize it for dealing with the names of home PCs.
DNS Search shows all your basic domain information for the dns record.

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